Tuesday, August 17, 2010


I used to be a voracious reader. These days...not so much. Since the birth of my twins, I have found it difficult to locate the time and muster the energy to read a book. The kids rarely let me pee by myself during the day, much less read a book. And at night, I tend to start snoring the minute my head hits the pillow. I've tried reading in bed, but it usually ends with my book covered in drool. I admit that I miss reading. I miss being tranformed to far-away places. I miss the total immersion--mind, body, and soul--that one experiences when reading a really good book.

Recently, my mother gave me the book The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo. She said it was an absolute must-read. I reluctantly took the book, convinced that it would sit on my nightstand for months before I inevitably gave up and returned it to my mom. I half-heartedly read the first chapter in my bed one night as Sophie's sharp little elbow jabbed into my spine. I wasn't impressed and doubted that I would have the time or the inclination to finish it.

Fast forward to yesterday. After an entire week of temperatures akin to sub-Sahara Africa and humidity that was absolutely suffocating, Mother Nature finally granted us a reprieve. Yesterday (and Sunday, for that matter) was one of the most gorgeous days in recent memory. The temperatures were in the upper 70s. The sky was crystal blue. There was a cool breeze blowing. It was utterly magnificant. I turned off the television and ushered my loudly protesting children outside. As somewhat of an afterthought, I grabbed the book my mom had given me and carried it outside. While the kids chalked on the sidewalk, played in the swing, dug for worms, and covered themselves head to toe with sand from the sand table, I sat down in one of the lawn chairs and opened the book to read a bit. I am one of those bad mothers who has no desire really to play with my kids. I love them. I cuddle them. I tend to their boo-boos. I would happily give my life for any one of them. But really....do I want to play Bionicles and Princesses with them? Not really. After all...isn't that why I had three of them? So they could entertain each other and I wouldn't have to be involved? Aside from chalking with them a bit...I couldn't resist Sophie's incessent begging...I mostly sat and read while the kids played. Apparently, the book was better than my first impression indicated. Before I knew it, it was dinnertime and we had sat outside for three hours.

I can't remember a time in recent memory...as a matter of fact, all of my pre-motherhood memories are so blurry that I can't remember a time at all...when I sat for three hours and read a book. I didn't have to break up any fights. My kids are at the age now where they can go inside the house and potty on their own when need be. They played wonderfully together. Aside from occasionally running up to my lawn chair to "check in", they entertained themselves all afternoon. It was pure unadulterated bliss. Today, I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to Mother Nature and to my beautiful children. Working in cahoots, they managed to give me the greatest gift anyone could have given me yesterday. A couple of hours of peace. Rare and exquisite peace.


Jessica said...

Congratulations!!! And glad to hear you like the book. I've heard a lot about the book, but nothing from anyone I actually know. Wanted to know if it was worth diving into the trilogy. Another Must Read (seriously), if you find the time is "The Help".

Shannon Ralph said...

Jessica--I'll let you know what I think when I finish the book. It was kind of hard to get into in the beginning. There are a lot of characters and they all have Swedish names...hard to keep straight in my mind. But it's getting pretty good now.

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