Friday, June 04, 2010

Just plain tired....and apparently, old

I've been a neglectful blogger lately. I am so wrapped up in end-of-the-school-year, beginning-of-the-summer, vacation's-right-around-the-corner activities that my mind has not been able to form a coherent thought to blog about. I have discovered that there is an actual limit to the brain's capacity for multi-tasking. And I have reached that limit, my friends. I have every good intention to sit down at night and write about my day....the good, the bad, and the U-G-L-Y. However, by the time I finally get the kids safely tucked in bed, the dishes washed, and the chore list completed, I find that I just want to sit and enjoy the quiet. Even the sound of my own fingers typing on the keys is an intruding annoyance that I don't care to deal with. So...that explains why my blog entries have been more sparse and less interesting lately. I suspect that my creative juices will regain their flow once I get back from next week's vacation. Until then, let me apologize in advance for my less than stellar blog entries. I promise to resume my scintillating tales of sibling rivalry, bodily fluids, and potty training gone horribly wrong when I return from vacation...refreshed, renewed, and hopefully reinvigorated.

On a totally unrelated note, this weekend is my 20th high school reunion. I will not be attending...but I do have a question. When in the hell did I get old enough to have a 20-year reunion? Wasn't it just last week that I was "cruising" Frederica Street with the Murphy girls and Jenni Hodges crammed into my powder blue Chevy Chevette?! Wasn't it just last week that I was tight-rolling my jeans, perming my hair, and singing Bon Jovi's Blaze of Glory at the top of my lungs until I was hoarse?! Wasn't it just last week that I drank my first beer at Rosemary Barr's graduation party in Whitesville and subsequently got pulled over in my mom's car and made to dump all of the beer on the side of the highway? Wasn't it just last week that I was sitting through monotonous pep rally after pep rally? Where are the pep rallies now?? I could use one right this very minute! Where are the cheerleaders? Where are the signs? I need a "Shannon is still a young, vital woman" sign! I need someone to shake a pom-pom in my face and cheer "Shannon is not old! Shannon is not old!" Come on guys....let's hear that pep! Where is your spirit?!


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