Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Brotherly "Love"

All of you men out there with brothers, tell me something. Do brothers live to torture one another? I always thought there was something special about the "brotherly bond." I thought brothers would always have one another's backs. I thought brotherhood was a sacred trust and that a boy could count on his brother above all else. Apparently, I was mistaken.

My two sons live to torment one another. Yesterday, I witnessed the most heinous and disgusting display of brotherly disdain I ever hope to see in my lifetime. Nicholas had been playing with a small plastic snake that was about four inches long. In an act of complete and utter cruelty, Lucas grabbed the snake when Nicholas set it down, pulled down the back of his own pants, placed the snake between his butt cheeks, and shook his rear end at Nicky. When Nicholas screamed, he handed it back to him, laughing hysterically. Obviously, Lucas did not anticipate that I would walk into the room at that exact moment. I suspect that he planned on denying it to the full extent of his ability if and when Nicky tattled on him. Unfortunately for him, I witnessed his disgusting act. I reprimanded him thoroughly and quite loudly, of course. Sophie, being the consummate caretaker, was immediately at Nicky's side with her arm around his shoulder ushering him toward the bathroom. I heard her quietly say, "Come on Nicky. We'll wash it off." As they walked out of the living room, I caught a glimpse of Nicholas putting the snake to his nose and inhaling. "Yea," he said. "Lukie's butt stinks."

Nice, huh? Brothers!


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