Thursday, July 15, 2010

Craving a snack....

It's 9:00pm. All of the kids are in bed and I am alone in the living room. My desire for an evening snack has kicked into high gear. I am craving something salty. Potato chips....sour cream and onion, preferably. I promised myself that today would be THE day. The day that I start watching what I eat again. Day one (of many, many day ones) on my path to living a healthier lifestyle. The day that I turn everything around. Let me tell you....that's a lot of pressure to put on a Thursday. In July. On a day that included a trip to the urgent care. On a day that I am still recovering from strep. However, it had to be today. What about Friday? Saturday? Sunday? Those are difficult days to start. Weekends are tough and I need a day or two of doing well under my belt before I tackle a weekend. How about Monday then? Had I decided to start on Monday, that would have just been an open invitation for me to have a free-for-all over the weekend. I would have been shoveling it in like nobody's business! And if I put it out any further than that, I simply would not have done it. had to be today.

This time last year, I was thirty pounds lighter. I had worked hard, exercised, watched what I ate....I had done everything right and got results. I was feeling great about myself. At some point, I decided that I could let up a bit. I decided that I deserved a break. Well, that break turned into several breaks. Then several cakes. And ice cream...and dinners out...and fast food. I all but stopped eating the fruits and vegetables I had discovered that I truly enjoyed. So here I am a year later and I have gained back the exact thirty pounds that I lost last year. make matters an act of stupidly misplaced optimism, I tossed out all of my "fat" clothes last year. So here I am....dangling on the edge of complete and total nudity. Seriously...if I gain five more pounds, I will be naked. It will not be pretty. I feel fat and frumpy and I do not like it at all.

So here I sit. It is now 9:17 PM. Instead of eating, I am typing. I have rinsed my mouth with mouthwash hoping the minty freshness will deter my hunger for potato chips. So far it isn't working quite like I had hoped. Therefore, I am going to take my ravenous butt to bed. We're going to call day one a done deal. Perhaps a rousing Sudoku puzzle in bed will take my mind off of those little salty oniony disks of deliciousness. Probably not......

Hopefully, day two will be easier.


Jen said...

STEP AWAY FROM THE POTATO CHIPS!!! lol. Way to go girl not giving in... you CAN do it! See ya at Dotties in the morning :)

Jen said...

PS... DO NOT look at my new post, lol

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