Thursday, April 29, 2010

Poor Ruanita....

Poor Ruanita. When I left the house this morning to head into work, Sophie was already having a rough morning. As a matter of fact, when I left, Sophie was laying in the chair with her butt up in the air and her head under a pillow. She refused to kiss me goodbye. She refused to take her juice or breakfast from Ruanita. She refused to pull her head out from under the pillow to say a word to anyone. She merely sat with her head under the pillow vocalizing some sort of strange sound that was a cross between injured seagull and how I would imagine Satan himself would sound. When Ruanita set her sippy cup of juice on the chair next to her, Sophie kicked it onto the floor. That does not exactly bode well for what is to come today....

Poor Ruanita. When I left for work this morning, Lucas was still in bed. I left the house at 6:30. Ruanita had exactly half an hour to pry him out of bed, feed him breakfast, get him dressed, and prepare him for school. Today is his "sharing" day at school. He has show-and-tell every Thursday. Let me tell you...once a week is WAY too often for show-and-tell. They aren't allowed to bring toys because they are too distracting. Other than toys, what does a seven-year-old own?! It a struggle, to say the very least, to come up with something every single week that Lucas does not consider "lame" to take in for his sharing day. As of bedtime last night, he had not yet decided what he would take in this morning. Not good......

Poor Ruanita. When I left for work this morning, Ruanita was complaining that she wasn't feeling well. Her jaw has been aching lately and she felt that she was coming down with some sort of illness. Perhaps a sinus infection? So will the kids let their sick mom lay on the couch and rest this morning? Will they leave her alone and entertain themselves so she can take care of herself? Hardly. As a matter of fact, when one of their moms is sick, our children suddenly revert to complete invalids. Things they have been doing on their own for ages...they will suddenly become incapable of doing. If she gets even a slight whiff that her mom might be feeling under the weather, Sophie suddenly loses all ability to wipe herself. She will sit on the toilet screaming for someone to come wipe her. She is relentless and will not give up until the sick mom pries herself from the couch and walks to the bathroom. Nicky will also take advantage of the situation. He has an uncanny ability to control his bowels in such a way to make it as difficult as possible for a sick momma. Seriously. Just try laying down on the couch to rest. The minute you do, I guarantee that Nicholas will come up to you and ask you to change his pull-up. And it will not be me. Poor Ruanita.

I have to say...I normally despise leaving for work in the morning. This morning? Not so much.


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