Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I am Ready

I am going to say the unthinkable here….get ready…here goes…I am feeling rather done with summer. I am ready for fall. Yes, I realize that I may be excommunicated as a Minnesotan by saying that I am ready for autumn’s arrival. I understand that fall quickly beckons the arrival of winter and snow and ice and coats and boots and gloves and hats….all of those things I will be cursing on a daily basis come January. However, I am craving the routine and “normalcy” that the fall brings with it. I love summer. I love barbecues and swimming and camping and beer and margaritas and water sprinklers and late nights hanging out by the firepit. I have thoroughly enjoyed all of that this summer. However, I am feeling a need for a little normalcy. I am craving routine. I am ready to say goodbye to the fly-by-the-seat-of-our-pants summer. I am ready for school to start. I am ready for early bedtimes. I am ready for crisp, cool days. I am ready for sweaters and sweatshirts. I am ready for pots of soup warming on the stove top. I am ready for the reds and yellows and oranges that blanket the neighborhood. I am ready for down comforters. I am ready for apple orchards and pumpkin patches. I am even ready for second grade homework in all of its mind-boggling glory. Bring it on, autumn! I am ready for you.

Umm...yea...I am sure I will be regretting these words very soon.


Vikki said...

I saw your comment on Lesbian Dad on thought I'd pop over and say hello from one Minneapolis lesbian mom to another! So - hello :)

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