So tonight I will not be writing in this blog because...wait...I guess I am writing in this blog. This is a pitiful excuse for a blog entry, huh? I am actually quite embarrassed that I am even attempting to count this as a daily blog. But when a person types every nine minutes during commercials (like "Lost" before it, this show has a HELL of a lot of commercials), it is easy to lose track of your train of thought. Really...this blog has no discernible train of thought, so losing track of it is a fairly commendable task. Umm...what was I saying?
Sorry, the commercial is over. My show's back on.
I will try to do a better job tomorrow.
Wait..."Parenthood" is on tomorrow.
Maybe you should try back on Wednesday...
Don't you have TIVO? It would give you more time as your fast forward through the commercials and then the hour show is only 40 minutes giving you 20 extra minutes to write.
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