For all of you out there, my dear
closeted gay and lesbian friends who are still struggling to come to
grips with your sexuality, I have good news for you today. For all of
you who can't seem to get past the shame and self-loathing that
tragically goes all-to-often hand-in-hand with being gay, I bear
tidings of great joy today. For all of you looking for a hero—for
someone of intellectual and moral repute to stand up and say, “Hey,
it's okay to be gay”—I present to you a 21st century
superhero. An ally and advocate for modern times. A defender off all
that is good and right and just in this world. I present to you...
Honey Boo Boo.
Honey Boo Boo.
Ain't nothin' wrong with being' a little gay. Everybody's a little gay.
Amen, you loveably chubby, flaxen-haired little redneck. Amen!
Makes you miss the South, no?
I love that they put the English in a kryron in case you don't understand that she is speaking English. Also, it is Honey Boo Boo Child. Did you know June's first grandchild just born has one hand with two thumbs? Just a little FYI.
Oh know entirely too much about this little girl. I take it you are a fan of the show? ;)
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