2. I am sorry I take up so my space in my bed. (I will brush up on my contortionist skills.)
3. I am sorry you are cold watching television in your underwear.
4. I am sorry that bicycles made for giant nine-year-olds do not come with training wheels.
5. I am sorry it is raining and we were supposed to go to the pool.
6. I m sorry the dog doesn’t sleep with you at night. I promise I do not entice her to my bed in any way, shape, or form.
7. I am sorry you are too tall to play with the toddlers in Småland at IKEA.
8. I am sorry you peed in your pants.
9. I am sorry they do not make Phineas and Ferb mouthwash. You’ll have to settle for Spongebob Squarepants.
10. I am sorry the movie “Brave” was so loud.
11. I am sorry that your brother didn’t say “sorry” when he walked in front of the television and caused Mario to die.
12. I am sorry the ocean is salty.
13. I am sorry the dog ate your Apple Jacks that you left sitting on the ottoman in the living room.
14. I am sorry your other mom and I were talking too loud while you were watching TV.
15. I am sorry you messed up your drawing.
16. I am sorry your sock feels weird.
17. I am sorry Netflix keeps stalling during your movie.
18. I am sorry you lost your favorite lollipop wrapper. (Perhaps you should look on your nightstand with the rest of the freakishly weird items you hoard.)
19. I am sorry shirts have tags.
20. I am sorry I don’t know who Dr. Doom is.
Now I would like you to try to go an entire day without apologizing once. :)
I love this list and I love your kids and I love you and Ruanita. Now stop apologizing and tell those kids to run outside and play in the 100+ heat and stop bothering you.
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